Friday, April 20, 2012

First Wrestler CAF

I got tired of making strikers so I went all in with making a wrestler. I have to say it is incredibly challenging and a nice break from the stand up game. I am 19 and 0 in the Middleweight division and currently Strikeforce champion. the competition they have thrown at me in my last four fights have been Rua, Cung Le, Jason Miller and I defend against Dan Henderson next.
The wrestler has made me look at the way I fight in a new way. Having to rely on takedowns and then do some ground and pound has been great. The challenges of the wrestler are similar to Sambo fighters and the hardest part is having such low blocking and chin attributes.
I can't wait to retire the fighter and see how it goes online. Anyone prefer the wrestler over the stand and bang counterparts?|||the problem i have found with Judo, Sambo, wrestlers and Jin jutsi (spelling) is the majority of people on line are strikers with 100 in take down defense. Which makes getting to the stong point very difficult.
I don't know a way to help balance this out, but if someone knows of a way to help me get guys to the ground let me know.|||Wrestlers and Samboist can have darn good hands. The key I found is to only use the strikes as a setup for TD's. I kind of bait and switch making them think I will stand and fight, but using every TD chance possible.
Its tougher with someone that is good as it should be, but there are many dudes out there that just wanna strike and cannot do much else.
I am loving these dime a dozen counter kick boxer dudes with their whiffs that leave them WIDE open for a TD.
Just bait them make them miss and take their lil butts down mid turn. I then gas them mount them and GNP their butts into the canvas. Good stuff! :)|||Wrestlers and Samboists can actually rank their hands up their with Kickboxers - the stats are the same. It just takes the grapplers a little longer to gain those levels since their starting scores are lower. But yeah, those two classes get great hands. Judoka have a little harder row to *, since they get slower hands and feet, but they also get GREAT power in the hands and feet.
I *LOVE* Wrestlers. I have a HW Wrestler who is probably my favorite or #2 favorite fighter I ever created. They're not that bad on the feet and MURDER on the ground. Good clinchers too - Wrestlers are just bad news everywhere. They're kind of like Boxers actually, in that if well-developed they seem like they can hang with any other class. Boxers have that deadly striking speed, while Wrestlers have the indomitable power and upper-body strength.|||The most difficult aspect of the wrestler in career mode is that I am neglecting my kick attributes to raise ground, hands, and chin. This is probably my most favorite class because of the ground and pound aspect. Reminds me when Tito was at the top.|||No, dude, that's the thing to do. Leave those kicks alone - they wouldn't get up to very respectable levels anyway. I totally left my Wrestler's kick skills alone - I think they're still at starting level actually. Boost his stats in the areas he's already good at - then he's a real nightmare at that kind of fight. You can do okay with just good hands in stand-up.

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