Friday, April 20, 2012

Dear EA MMA career mode designers

If you want to motivate players to do training to learn special moves, strongly consider (1) the type of feedback you're giving on when players should be able to accomplish the task and (2) the type of feedback you're giving to motivate players.
For example, trying to learn a special move by performing a task (get a knockdown in 30 seconds) that your character doesn't really have the striking level to pull off yet is super frustrating - especially when there is no information to let the player know that they aren't likely to pull it off.
On top of that, being berated each time by Pat Miletich about how much you suck drops the fun right out of trying to perform the task.
I was having fun right up until this part.
|||Agreed. I was having issues unlocking the kneebar move from the Judo club. Besides having over 80 for grappling, 95 for leg locks and such it took me hours to do this because the CPU kept stalling...even when it had no stamina it could still reverse, defend and or escape every single time which is BS cheating.
As if that wasn't frustrating enough being insulted every time by the instructor for failing to overcome being cheated was just too much. The computer is fending off my submission with an empty stamina bar...and the controller is vibrating signaling that I'm losing the submission battle...despite me having a full stamina bar and the CPU being on empty. Then the game essentially calls me lazy, stupid and other things on top of that nonsense. I had to take a break and almost took the game back to the store at that point.|||Had the same experience with the kneebar it took me an age. But that just made me more determined and being told I was lazy etc made me even more determined. When I got the move it felt awesome to stick one to the judo guy so please keep the mean trainers in!!|||

Agreed. I was having issues unlocking the kneebar move from the Judo club. Besides having over 80 for grappling, 95 for leg locks and such it took me hours to do this because the CPU kept stalling...even when it had no stamina it could still reverse, defend and or escape every single time which is BS cheating.
As if that wasn't frustrating enough being insulted every time by the instructor for failing to overcome being cheated was just too much. The computer is fending off my submission with an empty stamina bar...and the controller is vibrating signaling that I'm losing the submission battle...despite me having a full stamina bar and the CPU being on empty. Then the game essentially calls me lazy, stupid and other things on top of that nonsense. I had to take a break and almost took the game back to the store at that point.

Yeah this is really infuriating. After all that talk about stamina being the key to everything, it seems retarded that in those training games especially the AI keeps denying and even passing with zero stamina. I understood that with my first guy who was a brawler, but the BJJ guy with good ground stats already should've been able to pull it off. also I find the choke drills frustrating.||| glad its not just me with the knee bar opponent...most subs are easy to unlock, but that one can be so frustrating, near undisputed frustrating....btw please make a 2nd game...sigh|||Well, i unlocked every move that i was interested in.
But the problem is that i can't get grade A in some training exercises, submission level 4 are nearly impossible to achieve, wheter is arm, leg or choke, no matter how do i press the buttons, i always get defeated, earning really few points.

Well, i unlocked every move that i was interested in.
But the problem is that i can't get grade A in some training exercises, submission level 4 are nearly impossible to achieve, wheter is arm, leg or choke, no matter how do i press the buttons, i always get defeated, earning really few points.

I understand the fact that its hard to get a move if your striking is low and it involves knocking your sparring partner out within a time limit, but its not impossible so see it as a challenge bro cause once you get that A, you can simply feed of that a score to boost up your stats.
I had A grade on eveyrthing aswell except for Arm sub lvl 4 and neck sub lvl 4 and a 1 or 2 ground games but what can I do? MY fighter is a muay thai fighter and it clearly stated that I have no sub skills.
Though I remember achieving the kneebar after a few tries I can easily say that it wasnt easy, the only thing I had prob with was a game involving not getting hit once until the time runs out till I figured that I can move around and rock my opponent so he backs up etc. so there is a solution to everything, just be patient.
And ye, dont expect to get everything perfect the first go around on career mode.
Good luck and hope to see you online!

Well, i unlocked every move that i was interested in.
But the problem is that i can't get grade A in some training exercises, submission level 4 are nearly impossible to achieve, wheter is arm, leg or choke, no matter how do i press the buttons, i always get defeated, earning really few points.

I understand the fact that its hard to get a move if your striking is low and it involves knocking your sparring partner out within a time limit, but its not impossible so see it as a challenge bro cause once you get that A, you can simply feed of that a score to boost up your stats.
I had A grade on eveyrthing aswell except for Arm sub lvl 4 and neck sub lvl 4 and a 1 or 2 ground games but what can I do? MY fighter is a muay thai fighter and it clearly stated that I have no sub skills.
Though I remember achieving the kneebar after a few tries I can easily say that it wasnt easy, the only thing I had prob with was a game involving not getting hit once until the time runs out till I figured that I can move around and rock my opponent so he backs up etc. so there is a solution to everything, just be patient.
And ye, dont expect to get everything perfect the first go around on career mode.
Good luck and hope to see you online!

I chose Kickboxing for specialty, but im willing to start all over again with other fighting technique! I'm trying to improve my ground game altough, so fighting for submissions is something that i must do.
Hope to see ya too!

|||I learned every technique I went for. I don't mind the trainers they are actually funny to me. Just keep in mind that this I myself took a hour to learn some of my chokes. Was I upset that the trainers were talking smack? not at all. If anything I learned that something comes real easy to me and some things don't. For instance my CAF is almost done but for he is still on boxing combo lesson #2 lol. I'm ok with limb subs but choke subs......well you get the idea. Point is this: realize what you are good at and work on that. this game SIMULATES the fight game. therefore you are going to get talked crazy too. so if you don't like to hear it, turn down the volume or don't do the exercise. Just don't go hating on the developers for doing a good job. like the logo says,"If it's the game, its in the game." well coaches like this is in the game.|||

I learned every technique I went for. I don't mind the trainers they are actually funny to me. Just keep in mind that this I myself took a hour to learn some of my chokes. Was I upset that the trainers were talking smack? not at all. If anything I learned that something comes real easy to me and some things don't. For instance my CAF is almost done but for he is still on boxing combo lesson #2 lol. I'm ok with limb subs but choke subs......well you get the idea. Point is this: realize what you are good at and work on that. this game SIMULATES the fight game. therefore you are going to get talked crazy too. so if you don't like to hear it, turn down the volume or don't do the exercise. Just don't go hating on the developers for doing a good job. like the logo says,"If it's the game, its in the game." well coaches like this is in the game.

If so why can i still not unlock kneebar?
Ive tried with 5 different fighters and have NEVER unlocked it.
jiu jitsu didnt work, kick boxing didnt work, wrestling didnt work, boxing didnt work, generalist didnt work...
Ive ben doing MMA for around 5 years and ive NEVER come across a limb lock that is IMPOSSIBLE to lock in.
The fighters arm is in a kimura state, and he has no stamina, which means he has no strength, which means i am stronger than he, a kimura is 65-70% power and the rest technique.
The kneebar is a * * TAKE to unlock, the guy (whom you spar for the other moves) seems super * human.|||

I learned every technique I went for. I don't mind the trainers they are actually funny to me. Just keep in mind that this I myself took a hour to learn some of my chokes. Was I upset that the trainers were talking smack? not at all. If anything I learned that something comes real easy to me and some things don't. For instance my CAF is almost done but for he is still on boxing combo lesson #2 lol. I'm ok with limb subs but choke subs......well you get the idea. Point is this: realize what you are good at and work on that. this game SIMULATES the fight game. therefore you are going to get talked crazy too. so if you don't like to hear it, turn down the volume or don't do the exercise. Just don't go hating on the developers for doing a good job. like the logo says,"If it's the game, its in the game." well coaches like this is in the game.

If so why can i still not unlock kneebar?
Ive tried with 5 different fighters and have NEVER unlocked it.
jiu jitsu didnt work, kick boxing didnt work, wrestling didnt work, boxing didnt work, generalist didnt work...
Ive ben doing MMA for around 5 years and ive NEVER come across a limb lock that is IMPOSSIBLE to lock in.
The fighters arm is in a kimura state, and he has no stamina, which means he has no strength, which means i am stronger than he, a kimura is 65-70% power and the rest technique.
The kneebar is a * * TAKE to unlock, the guy (whom you spar for the other moves) seems super * human.

you just got to remember: pass to strike, strike to pass. when they start blocking your strikes, make your move. but don't just try to pass alone. the patch actually fix that pretty good. if you are on PSN look me up I'm usually doing mma on the weekends.|||The problem isnt the passing.
Its having more than 2 seconds to lock it.
I get him in a kimura when he has 10% stamina and the bone just flashes and dissapears.
I get him in a heel hook when he has the above and he 100% of the time gets out instantly.
Its like hes made of * rubber.|||I'm also having problems with the computers seemingly godlike ability to block and dodge several consecutive attacks while at the same time attacking me and I lose all my stamina after only 3 or 4 shots while they lose none at all, followed by them taking me down and I just basically lay there and take it because regardless of the stamina ratio and how much I use the strike to pass strategy they retain all their stamina and dominate me while I lose all my stamina. They do this even on difficulties as low as easy and medium on my disc, is this just me or does everyone fight the extremely skilled computer?|||the easy answer is yes and yes. I love this game for the simple fact that you can't go into this game thinking you are going to rule it. it takes time and practice. you may need to up your skill levels as well they do play a significant part as well. Also it sounds like you a doing a bit of button mashing there. Don't do that. this game has strategy in it unlike UFC2010. you have to throw smart. if you don't you lose stamina and then it gets HARD. take your time it doesn't have to end in round 1.

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