Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Few Answers

1. Money--It is a very basic economy. You spend it on travelling to different trainers. You earn it by fighting. Bas sets up all your fights for you, so you can only earn extra money by winning. Yes. You read that right. You do not get to pick your opponent. I know, I me...I know. I figured I should bring this up now since you're going to find out in reviews anyway. I cannot get into why this is other than to tell you that the decision was made in the best interest of the overall Career experience for both this title and future sequels.
2. Special Moves--You can earn 16 and there are 27 total. Each one is distinctly unique.
3. CAF's--The limit is 50. The only difference between a max manual CAF and a max Career CAF will be four fewer special moves available. And no, I do not know if a CAF walkthrough is coming. I don't make those decisions. Sorry.
4. Shorts--You can, indeed, put logos there.
5. Why No One Has Been Answering Your Questions--I had the audacity to take a vacation after we wrapped.|||Thanks for the details Doc
Can I ask - if the sole purpose of having money in the game is to work with different trainers then are there some trainers that are more prestigious (expensive) than others which you will only be able to afford as you progress in your career?
Good to know we don't HAVE to go through career mode to get decent CAFs if we don't want to. Just read that we can't import them into career mode though - I know there's nothing that can be done about it now, but just a heads up that it's a bit of a bummer. lol
Would perhaps have been nice to pick fights offered to you by the matchmaker, negotiate contracts, have more diverse uses for money like developing your own gym, recruiting training partners etc. but this is stuff that could perhaps be developed in sequels
Loving the demo and can't wait to play the full game - especially the career. Hope you enjoyed your well earned holiday!|||

Can I ask - if the sole purpose of having money in the game is to work with different trainers then are there some trainers that are more prestigious (expensive) than others which you will only be able to afford as you progress in your career?

Correct.|||Thanks for the info man! IT seems that little information has been sent out to the public about the Career mode which is surprising seeing how the game comes out in 2 weeks! Hopefully it will be a pleasant surprise.|||

Can I ask - if the sole purpose of having money in the game is to work with different trainers then are there some trainers that are more prestigious (expensive) than others which you will only be able to afford as you progress in your career?


Kinda hoping there's enough good and bad points with each trainer that depending on what you want to learn, going to different guys is a viable option rather than the ultimate goal being to train with Rickson for example. That way, you can take different career paths in terms of trainers as well as promotions rather than just working your way up to one "best trainer".
|||How does the weight and height of the fighter in different classes affect their ability.
Also can I compete in two different weight classes in career mode|||Is one trainer more expensive than the other?|||

Is one trainer more expensive than the other?

having money in the game is to work with different trainers then are there some trainers that are more prestigious (expensive) than others


It was literally 3 post above you.. Read.|||

How does the weight and height of the fighter in different classes affect their ability.
Also can I compete in two different weight classes in career mode

I do not answer gameplay questions, but I can tell you that you can only fight in one weight class.|||

Can I ask - if the sole purpose of having money in the game is to work with different trainers then are there some trainers that are more prestigious (expensive) than others which you will only be able to afford as you progress in your career?


Kinda hoping there's enough good and bad points with each trainer that depending on what you want to learn, going to different guys is a viable option rather than the ultimate goal being to train with Rickson for example. That way, you can take different career paths in terms of trainers as well as promotions rather than just working your way up to one "best trainer".

The cost of the trainers increases if they are not in the US (i.e. not Randy, Rickson or Pat). No one trainer is "better" than the other on the whole, only in each style of fighting.|||Hi there EA_Doc, I have a question I hope you can answer: Will the fighting style you choose initially as your "base" visually alter your standard techniques? For example; would selecting "Muay Thai" as your foundation style mean that you kicked in the distinctive Muay Thai way, or are all technique animations identical regardless?|||

Hi there EA_Doc, I have a question I hope you can answer: Will the fighting style you choose initially as your "base" visually alter your standard techniques?

Unfortunately, no.|||

Hi there EA_Doc, I have a question I hope you can answer: Will the fighting style you choose initially as your "base" visually alter your standard techniques?

Unfortunately, no.

That's a real shame... Honestly, the blandness of the fighter's moves were the only real issue I could direct towards the demo that jumped out at me when I played it. I guess the unique/distinctive look of standard techniques will have to be a feature that I hope will be implemented in a future iteration (assuming there will be one that is).
I only hope the trainer feature will provide enough style distinctive moves to "pad out" our fighters in noticeable ways...
Thank you for answering my question EA_Doc.|||

Hi there EA_Doc, I have a question I hope you can answer: Will the fighting style you choose initially as your "base" visually alter your standard techniques?

Unfortunately, no.

So does that mean if you choose Muay Thai as a base,your kicks will look exactly the same as if you didn't pick Muay Thai?

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