Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Michihiro Omigawa (PS3)

I got some pretty good results with gameface this time. Too bad there isn't a good hairstyle that fits him, oh well.
Edit: re-up (better stats)|||wish i could download it and check it out :)|||Clean face work. You know he did have a fauxhawk at one time, maybe that might work?|||i also think the orange hair might improve the resemblance a bit|||He hasn't had orange hair for awhile now|||Awesome!! any plans of making Hideo Takoro & Kid Yamamoto??? and if ever, bibi fernandez?? thanks!!!|||can anybody tell me what the best way is to allocate all the attributes?|||

can anybody tell me what the best way is to allocate all the attributes?

I usually base their attributes on their MMA record/successes and not on their actual skill set. So how they lost and/or won will determine what I build up or bring down. My goal is to get them to play as they have played in the past. So like BJ Penn for example.. great takedown defense but since that's how Edgar and GSP beat him, I would give BJ a moderate takedown defense so that people could have a specific way of beating him if they knew his fighting history.
My Sakuraba has tons of grappling and transition awesomeness but a very fragile chin. I over exaggerated his strengths and his weakness. It requires more strategy to play as and against him.

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