Friday, April 20, 2012

name templets...

There needs to be more, more common last names like NGUYEN its only like the most popular vietnamese last name their is and not to mention it is like the 56th most popular name in the US
Im just sayin'|||A lot of names are in, even if they're not on the list. Every commentator in the game announces Wanderlei "The Axe Murderer" Silva.|||im pretty sure wanderlei and silva are templates so thats why he says them...|||

im pretty sure wanderlei and silva are templates so thats why he says them...

Wanderlei is, Silva isn't. A lot of common names aren't selectable templates, but are still announced, (i.e. Jones, Jackson, Davis).
Try to type Nguyen in, you may be surprised.

im pretty sure wanderlei and silva are templates so thats why he says them...

Silva is not a template. I don't think Nogeiura is either, and they say that. They also announce Sakuraba and it's not a template.|||soo my first fighter i typed nguyen in and it told me I had to put in a nick name so the anouncer could use that instead of my name|||I just want to tack onto this topic rather than make a new one. I think it's funny they elected to have several names not officially in the game, but still in the game. Shows they had balls. What's really funny is, they still elected to not announce the last name "Hogan". Guess the Hulkster put the fear into their souls.
Pisses me off because my last name is never, ever available in a game. Newsflash EA, there's a lot more Hogan's than just that washed up hack of a wrestler. It's not a popular name by any means, but seriously, you're not going to use it because of one famous guy who's not even in MMA? Come on...|||Well, I'm planning on creating a new CAF with a name like Sherwin "The Snake" Silva. Would that whole name be announced by the commentator? Or just the nickname?|||Guys just make a template fighter and try the "missing" names not in the naming template. You would be surprised just how many names ARE annouced that are not fully templated. Like Quinton "Rampage" Jackson. Where Quinton and Rampage ARE templates but Jackson is NOT yet is still annouced. There are hundreds of these :)
|||dbl post :)

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